I started with the free version. Only 3 sessions to record is not enough. So plan on purchasing.
My setup was an iphone 5c that i put in the chest pocket of my leathers as i rode a cbr600rr at Arizona Motorsports Park.
This app recommends an external GPS receiver (search XGPS150) to improve GPS accuracy. I agree. However i was able to use with some accuracy without the addition.
I wanted to mount iphone to bike but i could not find a cheap/secure setup in time (search ram mount or velocity).
I did not use the video function since this was in my pocket.
How it works:
-Select a track. Confirm the start/finish line, or create a new start/finish line. My track was available with the correct s/f line.
-hold phone facing to sky to get green GPS signal.
-hit the record button and place in pocket with glass facing away from body. (This is for safety.)
-Now go out on the track and race/practice.
-when i get back in the pits i take my phone out and never know how to stop recording. Usually i hit the sessions button to review the recorded data.
Rated review:
- i did 7 sessions but it only recorded 5 correctly. I dont know if i started it wrong or the gps never initiated the app.
-i did -8 laps per session but the app usually had highly inaccurate lap times on 2-3 laps per session.
-my somewhat accurate lap times were 2:04-2:12 for the majority of the sessions. I dont know my true lap-times as no one timed me.
-the gps map playback was off most of the time (it showed as though i was riding off the track in most corners, but the straightways were accurate)
-the speed indicator was off in most areas of the track.
-my top speed indicated on app on main straight was anywhere from 90-110mph; however i am certain i hit 130mph consistently.
-video recording was not used; however an iphone 5 (16G) can only hold 15 minutes/1080p, 30 minutes/720p, 90 minutes/480p, and 400 minutes/low quality.
-battery life was not an issue since i didnt use video so i cant comment on usage.
This app is awesome and well worth the price. Mounting the phone to your windshield in a car or tank on a bike would offer more video recording options that i didnt use this time. It was simple to edit settings and operate. An external GPS is definitely required to get the full accuracy and benefits of the playback data to compare/review statistics. Great app to record and re-live your track experience.